The Globalisation of Sports


Sports are a form of physical activity that combines athleticism and skill. They usually require teamwork and are governed by rules to ensure fair competition. They are also a source of entertainment and often provide financial reward to athletes.

The Globalisation of Sports

In the 19th century, the emergence of modern sports as mass-market forms of recreation began to spread beyond Europe and North America. As sports and mass media converged, their relationship was increasingly shaped by mutual interests.

The mass media, in turn, recognized sports as a convenient way to reach audiences and attract advertising. They also viewed sports as opportunities to reaffirm national culture and bolster patriotism.

Sport and cosmopolitanism

The diffusion of modern sports has been influenced by the growth of international trade and immigration. It has facilitated the mobility of participants and has strengthened cosmopolitanism even as it has encouraged ethnic defensiveness and exclusivity.

It has also facilitated the movement of goods and capital among nations. It has been a catalyst for international sporting competitions, especially in world championships and major events such as the Olympic Games.

The history of the relationship between the mass media and sports is a complex one. In the early stages, sports and mass media grew simultaneously; they were able to reach wide audiences through new technologies and market growth.