The Importance of Sports


Sports are games where the participants engage in physical activity, such as running, jumping, and playing field or court games. These activities are often intense and involve the burning of calories and sweat. Moreover, they improve the physical capabilities of the body part involved. Therefore, they are a popular form of entertainment for both participants and spectators.

Sports also teach good sportsmanship, or the desire to engage in an activity for its own sake. As Pierre de Coubertin and Grantland Rice both said, “It’s not about winning; it’s about participation.” Other basic principles of sports include equality of opportunity, no predetermined results, and fair play. Though there are rules in place, some participants violate these guidelines for personal benefit.

Some games and sports do not involve competition, but the main idea is the same: physical exertion is required. In other words, sports involve teams and individuals who compete to score a specific goal. Some games, such as poker, are classified as sports, while others are not. Ultimately, any activity requiring physical exertion can be considered a sport. Moreover, these activities help to promote competitiveness in individuals. However, not all games or sports are considered sports, which means that there is room for more sports and games.

Sports have been around for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians, for instance, played ball games, and Chinese and Aztecs practiced athletics. As far back as 2000 BC, a ball game was common in these cultures. Some of these games were noncompetitive, ritual performances. Even Greek and Roman antiquity recognized the importance of the activity. The Greek physician Galen even recommended it as good for the health.