The History of Sports


While the aesthetic element of some sports has survived, the focus of contemporary sport is more on quantified achievement and performance. The transition from Renaissance to modern sports can be seen in the semantics of the term “measure”. Whereas the word measure once meant a sense of proportion or balance, it has come to refer to numerical measures.

As an activity, sports involve intense physical activity. It requires the body to move through the environment, thereby increasing its physical fitness and increasing its social interaction skills. Various kinds of sports may involve competing against other players, and some may involve hundreds of participants. Some sports may even involve two sides. While the competition in these sports is fierce, it’s also fun and provides mental stimulation.

Sports can also foster a strong sense of identity. Many sports promote the values of fair play, justice, and equality. Many young people begin playing sports in their childhood, and some will continue to participate throughout their lives. Others will choose to leave the sport later, due to age, motivation, or other factors. Whatever the case may be, the involvement in sports is a healthy choice that can benefit young people for the rest of their lives.

Besides modern sports, Japanese traditional sports have a rich history. The ancient Chinese and Aztecs, for example, played ball games. The Japanese also contributed significantly to the repertory of modern sports. Judo, invented in 1882 by Kano Jigoro, was an attempt to merge Asian and Western styles. It quickly gained European followers and was eventually included as an Olympic sport in 1964.